Donnerstag, November 22, 2007

Summer is over...

und Buenos Aires geht am Wochenende in den Winterschlaf. Eine gute Gelegenheit um sich mit einer kleinen Geschichte bei ihm zu bedanken und sich auf die kommenden (Aus-)fahrten zu freuen. So wie es Dani in Ihrer Nachtgeschichte getan hat...

"Home, being at home or making a home. So many different expressions, feelings and thoughts for basically the same thing. A place or a situation where you feel comfortable and welcome, and have the right to do what you want. My home, or better yet the first wave of such homes, just turned 60. The place which I personally see as home is not quite that old, but still has some years under its belt and that’s good. I do not like brand new places where everything has just been built and does not smell like history. I rather like the older constructions. Places with charm, some broken items in need of repair, with some work to do, and a history to tell. I could, if asked, tell so many stories about my home; things which we have done and dreams which still be needto fullfilled.

If anyone comes to my home he or she will walk through a very large door. The door is almost half as big as my whole place. For that I will have to mention that someone, if walking around my place, would only need about twelve steps because my home has a perimeter of only about twelve meters; basically divided into four meters length and two meters width. Some might say that it is very small but actually living in it is very comfortable. It is cozy, functional and you will have everything you need. Someone could recognize my domicile by its orange color and its round, ocular circles in the front or by the many, many windows, eight in total, on such a small place.

But now let us have a look into my humble abode. As mentioned before one would step in through a big door, which is, by the way, a sliding door, and he would have to climb a bit to get in. But then he would see the paradise on earth with everything pretty much in place. You can walk about one step forward and find a small cabinet with two drawers in which basically everything is, not in place and order, stored. Books which I have always wanted to read or which I still have to read, clothes, the flatware for two people, lamps, candles and so on. On top of the cabinet, which is only about one meter high, sits a fridge, often filled with very delicious food, sometimes just with crap but always containing something to eat. Turning to the right, all the very important technical buttons, wires and such for running the place are visible, as well the music box, which serves, besides games, books and people, as the only entertainment because there is no tv at my place. To be able to use the music one must jump over two seats or use the small walkway to it. Turning, from the door, to the left you can hop onto the couch with all its beautiful cushions and which turns at night into a big bed. Lying in the bed is very comfortable because out the window, in case the curtains are not down, I can see the stars or look at the bast covered ceiling.

Under the bed many interesting objects could be found, some put into the second and last cabinet, some being stuffed in the back where we have the so-called engine which heats the home in a very nice way.Setting the stories aside, this would probably describe my home in the simplest way but there is definitely more to it. The most interesting and important part I left out so far is the person with whom I share this home. Sharing this small place?, everybody would say in astonishment. But yes, I share this very small place with a really mystical guy. He is tall and athletic, with curly blond hair, good looking and frequently confused with superstars or other well-known people, which only adds to his arrogance. He loves his situation, signs autographs, pretends to be someone else and so strengthens his self esteem. Many people would use this to say that he is in love with himself but I can prove that he is actually in love with me.

He is full of contrasts and extremely exciting. He is funny, always smiling, life loving, enthusiastic, wild and outgoing. But he can also be totally different when he invents stories, not to cover his behavior, but to make people happy. He loves nature, could walk for hours outdoors and is totally into travelling. He went away for quite a long time and saw many cool, interesting and/or sad things in Latin America. Sometimes he tells me fascinating stories from his travels. I guess this fascination is why we like each other so much. We are never bored with each other, always do silly stuff but also comfort one another whenever needed. The comfort he gives is quite special. He is not always there when I want him to be, but he somehow manages to always be there when I really need him. He keeps, without being aware of it, his promises. I find strength in his confidence; he teaches me and yells when I want to give up. He is extraordinary, special, intelligent, and the only one who could keep our home, a '72 VW „Bully“ Bus, running."

Danke, guapa!